這款珍妮的娃衣是1998年由設計師Jill Stuart○註設計,作品甜美性感,一如她給人的感覺。為Jenny設計的這款連身淺紫色洋裝,款式簡單有質感,穿起來很有小女人的風情。這款限量款式只有在她的服飾專賣店才能購得。與設計師同名的Jill Stuart 亦是美國具代表性時尚品牌,以『Cute』、『Pretty』、『Sexy』為主軸的設計風格,在五光十色的伸展台獨樹一格。2005年與日本高絲集團合作另創立同名彩妝品牌 — Jill Stuart。
你是否曾有過這樣的經驗?逛街時無意中瞥見某件商品的包裝,你便被它吸引、 為它著迷。感覺內心有種莫名的悸動,不知不覺中臣服於它的魅力而無法自拔。 其實,愛上的不只是商品本身,迷人的包裝搭配賣場的氣氛,似乎具有生命般頻頻向你招手。這不是魔術,而是設計的魔力。
相信小時候每個人都寫過類似我的志願的文章吧?我曾夢想當一位服裝設計師, 能夠設計時尚又美麗的衣服。那時小女孩們流行玩紙娃娃的遊戲,我時常幫娃娃畫下不同的款式的服裝,為此疼愛我的父親還幫我買了一本服裝畫設計書供我參考。所以當我一發現此款娃娃的包裝盒竟印有設計師設計的服裝圖稿,豪不猶豫便買下來,是種對兒時的回憶也是紀念吧!
○註 Jill Stuart’s background
This talented designer sold her first collection to Bloomingdales, a posh clothing boutique in the heart of the Manhattan district, at the age of 15. Over the years she has built a successful fashion house with boutiques in different parts of the world including Japan. She finds her inspiration from traveling or just observing her immediate surrounding. She appreciates a woman’s need for individuality and personal style, thus creating cloths that makes you notice the woman, not the outfit. Known for her fun and sexy designs, Ms. Stuart’s cloths always exude sensuality coming through this lavender colored clip dress. Takara issued four, limited edition Jenny dolls, wearing beautiful clothing designed by Ms. Stuart. They were sold exclusively in her Japan boutique, as well as Totoco.